A couple hugging.
Dating Life - Relationships

8 Important Topics You and Your Fiancé Should Discuss Before You Get Married

Are you thinking about tying the knot with your fiancé?

Before you get married, you really want to sit down with your fiancé and discuss some of the important topics listed below.

You want to make sure that you both are on the same page when it comes to children, finances, long term goals, religion, intimacy, and any untold secrets.

You do not want to get married and then realize after the fact that the person you married does not want the same things that you do because it will cause some problems in your relationship.

Which is why the BEST thing you and your fiancé can do is discuss some of the important questions listed below so that it will not only help you to learn more about your partner but will also help to prevent a lot of arguments later on!

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A woman and a man hugging while standing outside with text over the photo that says important topics to discuss before your get married.

Questions to Discuss Before You Get Married


~ Do you both want children?

~ How many children would you both like to have?

~ What will your parenting roles and styles include?

~ Are you willing to adopt if it becomes necessary?

~ Does one of you want to adopt?

~ At what age would you both like to start trying for kids?

~ Who is going to take care of the kids?

~ Will one of you stay home and not work?

~ How would you feel if I changed my mind down the road and decided to stay at home with our kids?

~ Do you want to get a nanny, or would you rather use daycare?

~ Would you rather put your kids in a public school or a private school?

~ Or would you rather home-school your children?

~ Are you planning to be strict in how you raise your children?

~ What are your feelings about disciplining your kids?


~ What are your financial goals, and do your financial goals align?

~ How are you managing your money?

~ How much money do you have?

~ How much money are you planning on saving after each paycheck?

~ Do you plan on combining all of your money together, having a joint account and separate accounts, or just both of you have two separate accounts?

~ Are we going to buy a house or do you plan on renting?

~ Is one of you a big spender? 

~ Are you both on the same general page when it comes to handling money?

~ Do you or your partner have a lot of debt? If so how much?

~ Will that person handle that debt themselves, or do they want, need, or expect help with it?

~ How will the bills be split? 50-50? Or will the person making the higher salary pay more of the bills?

Long Term Goals and Plans

*Talk About Your 5 Year Goals

~ What would you like to accomplish in the next five years?

~ Do you want to still live in the current state we live in now, or would you like to live somewhere else?

~ Do you want to have kids within the next five years, and if so, how many kids do you want to have?

~ Does one of you want to be a stay at home parent?

~ Does one of you want to live in the city, the suburbs, or in the country?

~ How often would you like to go out to a fancy dinner?


~ Do your religious beliefs mesh?

~ Can you find a middle ground that works for both of you if you do have different religious beliefs?

~ Do you plan on going to church each week?

~ Can you find a church that works for the both of you?

~ Does one of you hate going to church, and if so, how will you handle that?


~ How involved do you want your in-laws to be with your marriage and your future kids?

~ Do you have any issues with any of my friends or family members?

~ What is your plan when disagreements arise?

~ Who is going to cook most of the time?

~ Who is going to clean most of the time?

~ Will one of you take care of the house while the other does the outdoor chores?

~ Will you split all the chores right down the middle?

~ Is one of you going to have a job while the other stays home?

~ How will you divide your time between family and friends?

~ How often would you want to travel and go on vacations?

~ Do you have any childhood traumas?


~ What is each of your love languages?

~ Specify what are each of your needs and wants when it comes to intimacy in a relationship.

~ What intimate acts do you both like or don’t like?

~ What are your emotional and physical boundaries?

~ Is there anything that I do that completely turns you off?

Personal Space

~ How much space does each of you want and need?

~ Is your partner okay with you going out every weekend to hang with your best friends?


~ It is better to get all the secrets out before you get married.

~ Has either of you filed for any bankruptcies?

~ Does one of you have any major debts that still need to be paid off?

~ Are there any criminal legal troubles that your partner should know about?

~ Are you or your partner currently dealing with any addictions including drugs, alcohol, gambling, excessive use of porn, excessive spending, and so on?

Before you get married, you really want to make sure you and your partner talk about a lot of the important topics listed above because not only will it help you to learn more about your partner, but it will also help to prevent a lot of arguments later on!

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A woman and a man hugging while standing outside with text over the photo that says important topics to discuss before your get married.