A bride writing notes from her laptop.
Wedding Planning - Wedding Website

Top Wedding Website Must Haves: 12 Things Every Wedding Website Should Include

As you start to plan your wedding, one of the first things you want to do is create a wedding website. Wedding websites are a MUST when it comes to planning your wedding.

If you are confused about whether or not you should create one, or you don’t know what is even supposed to be on a wedding website, then these 12 wedding website must haves will help you out tremendously.

Your wedding website will give your wedding guests additional information that is not included in the wedding invitations. It is also a super easy and convenient place for your guests to RSVP and find your wedding registry.

Also, by having all of the information regarding your wedding already written out on your website, it will save you so much time on dealing with repeated questions from your guests.

Especially since every guest is going to have questions about where the wedding venue is, what is there to do around the venue, and what should we even bring the bride and groom as their gifts.

Which is why in this post, you will find 12 wedding website must haves that you are going to want to include on your website to help you and your guests out when it comes to planning your wedding and figuring out information regarding your wedding day!

RELATED POST: Everything to Include on Your Wedding Website to Make Sure It Has All the Needed Information

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A woman taking notes on different food ideas displayed on her laptop with text over the photo that says wedding website must haves.

Wedding Website Must Haves

Benefits of Having a Wedding Website:

~ It gives your wedding guests additional information that is not included on the wedding invitations

~ It is easily accessible for all of your wedding guests from any location

~ It is an easy way to set guest expectations

~ All of the information about your wedding day is in one location

~ Easy for your guests to RSVP

~ Easy for you to track your RSVPs

~ Easy for your guests to find your wedding registry

What to Include on a Wedding Website

Dress Code

On your wedding website, you want to include a section that talks about what dress code you are planning on having at your wedding.

If you would like to have a more formal wedding day, then tell your guests on their wedding invitations and on the website that you would prefer your guests to dress in either black tie or white tie.

However, if you are looking to have a more casual wedding day, then tell your guests to dress semi formal, casual, or their Sunday best.

Wedding Party

Usually, on the front page of your wedding website, you want to have a list of everyone included in your wedding party.

This can be a very simple section.

All you really need is the list of everyone in your wedding party, including the maid of honor, best man, bridesmaids, groomsmen, ring bearer, and flower girl.

Then under each of their names, just include a couple of sentences as to how you know this person and why you choose them to be in your wedding.

Love Story

In this section, you want to include you and your partner’s love story.

Include how you two met, the story of how you two started dating, the moment you knew that you loved each other, how your fiance proposed, and any other details you might want to add.

Also, make sure to add some photos!

Kids Allowed?

You want to make sure to include on your wedding website whether or not you are allowing kids or plus ones on your guest list.

If you don’t want your guests to bring their kids or plus ones, make sure to include that somewhere on the website in a visible location.

Photo Guidelines

Another important topic to cover on your wedding website is your photo guidelines.

This includes whether or not you want your guests to take any photos during your wedding ceremony and reception.

If you are planning on having an unplugged wedding make sure to let your guests know about it.


On the homepage of your wedding website, you want to include information about where your wedding ceremony and reception will be.

You also want to include the city and state of where your wedding venue will be located.

If the ceremony and reception are going to be at different locations, make sure to include that as well.

What is Near the Wedding Venue

If you are having any wedding guests from out of town that maybe aren’t familiar with the area where your wedding will be held, then it is always a good idea to mention nearby airports, transportation, hotels, food places, and activities for your guests.

Covid Protocols

In this section, you want to include any covid protocols that you want your guests to know about.

For example, if you want to encourage your wedding guests to wear face masks or socially distance, then include this on your website. 

Culture Traditions

You also want to make sure to include any culture or religious traditions that some of your guests might not be familiar with that you plan on having during your wedding ceremony or reception.


One of the best things about having a wedding website is how easy and convenient it is for your guests to RSVP and also how easy it is for you to track who all has already RSVP.

This is why you want to include a section on your website that allows your guests to digitally RSVP.

Make sure to also include a place on the RSVP section where your guests can also answer whether or not they have a food allergy or dietary restriction and what they are.

Wedding Gifts

It is also very convenient to have your wedding registry on your website for your guests to easily access.

You can create your own wedding registry with Amazon, Target, or the store of your choosing.

On your registry, you can personally add items that you or your husband would like to have for maybe personal use or for your home, and then guests can see what has or has not been bought off the list and purchase one that way.

If you would like to get some ideas on what gifts you might want to add to your wedding registry, then here you can check out all of my posts on wedding registry gift ideas!

Contact Info

You want to leave your preferred contact info somewhere on the front page of your website so that if your wedding guests have any questions, they know exactly who they should contact regarding any questions or concerns.

What Not to Include

Exclusive Wedding Events

Details on exclusive wedding events such as the rehearsal dinner, bachelorette or bachelor party, and bridal shower.

You want to keep these off the wedding website unless you plan on inviting everyone on your wedding guest list to these other events as well.

By keeping these exclusive wedding events off of your website, it will help to limit the confusion on whether or not someone is invited to these events or not.

Too Much Information

You don’t want to have an entire essay of information on your website because your guests most likely won’t read it all.

Try to break your wedding information into bullet points or smaller sections to make it easier for your wedding guests to read.

This is helpful so that your wedding guests don’t accidentally skip over any important information.

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